Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Terriyaki Chicken & Shrimp Kabobs- Joanne's Savory Summary

Between the weather turning from not-so-good to beautiful to the four day weekend of relaxation, this really was the perfect way to kick off the summer.  I waited until Monday to make the kabobs so David and I would have some leftovers for the week.  In fact, I just finished the last two skewers and they were still delicious.  Also, since David typically mans the grils, this gives us a chance to make the meal together, something that we normally don't do.  Finally, the easy assembly and clean up make this perfect for any summer night.
Not being fresh off a 21 hour flight like Jen, I bought my veggies and chicken separate so I could chop them up myself.  This time I went with yellow zucchini, onion, mushrooms and grape tomatoes.  I also opted to forgo the shrimp since I thought the chicken would reheat better and, as I mentioned before, we always have leftovers.  I let the chicken marinate in the glaze for 4 hours while we relaxed outside.  Finally, we assembled the kabobs which took less than 20 minutes while simultaneously preheating grill. 
Ready to cook!
David cooked the kabobs over medium heat for about twenty minutes, flipping them 3-4 times and dousing them with extra glaze every time he did.  The result was the same consistently delicious meal, both healthy and easy to make.  This will once again be a summertime staple in our house!

Hope you had a wonderful holiday weekend.  

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