So Many Cakes! |
I'm a big fan of Jim Gaffigan. Not sure if most of you are familiar with him. He does an entire routine all about cake. His one line: cake is a powerful thing. I totally agree. It does bring people together and excites people about the event they are at. This weekend my stepsister is getting married and, don't get me wrong, I'm so excited about them starting their life together. However, I've also been thinking about the cake all week. What type of cake is it going to be? Maybe a traditional almond cake with light fluffy icing? Is it going to be the new popular cake in the world, red velvet with same tangy cream cheese icing? My mouth is watering just thinking about it.
Per Se Cake |
At my wedding, which stretched over two weekends, yes two weekends, we had two kinds of cake. At the wedding in New York at Per Se, we asked the pastry chef to make us a special cake. I know what you're thinking. You asked the pastry chef to make you something? It sounds crazy, especially after they presented us a giant book of all their different flavors, but I was needy and had my dream cake in mind. It was a nutella and peanut butter cake. No surprise the top tier didn't make it to our freezer. We actually ate half of the top that night in our hotel room and the rest the week leading up to our reception.
Distrito Cake |
At the reception party a week later, we had a decadent pound cake with yummy sweet butter cream icing. Joanne designed the look of this cake to go with the funky look of my reception hall, Distrito. There is a long back story behind this cake starting with them forgetting to make it and ending with Katie feeding the whole bottom tier to her friends on the car ride home. The reception was a time to let everyone's hair down and believe me we did and had some amazing cake to go along with it.
So to all of you approaching wedding season as I am, enjoy the ceremony and dream of the cake!
Happy Eating!
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