I thought I was your snack pack
Photo from The Kitchn |
Joanne's recipe had me reminiscing about childhood favorites. I don't know if you've noticed but everywhere you turn is a reinvented childhood classic. With the Hostess debacle, this has especially exploded. I, not being a fan of Twinkies myself, wasn't very upset by that development. There is a local bakery in Boston called Flour that does an amazing job of reinventing the classics. At least one Sunday a month, I find myself getting up very early to walk down to Flour to grab one of the few homemade pop-tarts. This is much more elegant pastry made with puff pastry and homemade raspberry jam (not that I'd turn down a good old blueberry pop-tart toasted with a slab of butter on top though).
This past Sunday's recipe was a childhood classic for David, pork and peaches. When I was shopping I went over and picked up my can of peaches in my local Wegman's and right across the aisle was the pudding. This was a sign! As kids, we would have dessert after dinner occasionally. My mom would make individual pudding dishes in these hideous yellow and brown dishes. Sorry mom I know you still have them but they are pretty darn ugly. They were rectangular dishes and she would make a packet of vanilla and one of chocolate. There would always be five little dishes of jello sitting all afternoon waiting for us to have after dinner. This was before the days of instant pudding and my mom would not give us snack packs on the weekend. On top we would crack open a can of peaches and have it with our pudding.
Inspired by reinventing a childhood classic of my own, I picked up a packet of vanilla jello, non instant, and an extra can of peaches. This was a perfect Saturday night treat. My husband had never had this before so needless to say this will be a special dessert treat for our family now as well!
Here is the recipe for Flour's homemade pop-tarts
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